Monday, November 06, 2006


Well, don't I feel like the internet fancy pants. I joined the RevGalBlogPals webring (the link is in the sidebar). It's a web ring of women bloggers who are clergy, are considering becoming clergy, or are otherwise interested in such things. I've been spying on this web ring for months, after JWD of the Blanket in a Grove blog (link to the right) introduced me. Maybe my months of hesitant lurking on this web ring is just another manifestation of my self-doubt. Part of the reason I've never pursued a religious career is that I just don't think I measure up. Not asking for pity (or counseling)here, just stating the facts. I still have this picture of pastors as people who are perfect, or near-perfect. They don't mess up, give bad advice, do murky exegesis bordering on heresy, or accidentally say "mother fucker" at the Thanksgiving table in front of all the relatives, as I did a few years back. Now that I've been to seminary with a bunch of shmucks and a few good people, and I have lots of imperfect, normal friends who are pastors, you'd think I'd be over this hangup. But old habits die hard, so I'm working on it, and I feel closer to a sense of calling than I ever have.
So I look forward to learning from this online community of normal people trying to help other people feel God's love in some way.


Unknown said...

Welcome to the ring! I love your Thanksgiving story. We do all screw up in our different ways; we do all live human lives. I hope you will find community and support among the RGBPs!

will smama said...

Does saying 'orgasm' in the beginning of a sermon mean that I have to hand in my robe. Sounds to me like you fit right the hell in!


Cathy said...

oh what a funny Thanksgiving story! I bet somebody's cranberry sauce went right up their nose! You fit right in!

1-4 Grace said...

Love the story. Welcome to RGBP, welcome to the continual cycle of the self-doubt and insecurity and my personal fav,..."I am just not good enough" club.
It is nice to know we are not alone in these things we deal with as pastors.
Welcome. Tell us more funny stories. Know we all share in quite similar struggles too!

Deb said...

Too funny - about as good as my tripping backstage during black out with my wireless mic on and letting out a loud "colorful metaphor" (as Spock would say).

When you find a perfect set of folks blogging, let me know. I will avoid them like the plague/s.


Mary Beth said...

Welcome to the ring! This is a great place to tell those stories. :) We love 'em.

Amy said...

Welcome to the galpals, MBG! It's only fitting that you join--now we have to get JPH on board!

Glad you are blogging again--I've missed you.

QuakerPastor said...

welcome from a schmuk and screw up who also happens to be in ministry...I said "sex production" instead of "set production" in public just this morning. My husband said "lets get you home!"

Shawna Atteberry said...

Welcome to RevGals! One of this pastor's favorite words is fuckwit. :) I also one day want to start an Advent sermon saying, "After God knocked up Mary..."

Sally said...

welcome and welcome- can't promise to be normal tho!!!
Keep the stories coming and you'll be fine!!!

smkyqtzxtl said...

Welcome, looking forward to reading more of your stories! Been therre, done that and bought the tee shirt. I am a Brooklyn girl born but not quite raised. Left when I was 8. Lived on 66th Street near New Utrecht Avenue. Have landed south of Lake Erie in the Pennsylvania snow belt. Blessings to you!

Unknown said...

Welcome to the revgalblogpals, now you can stop lurking and join in the conversation. And I think you fit right in with your thanksgiving blessing. Do I have to hand in my robe for saying masturbation in a sermon?

LutheranChik said...

Chuckling over the Thanksgiving story...Happy Delurking Week!

Theresa Coleman said...
