Saturday, April 29, 2006

Virtual Protest

Please join me in the virtual protest which I've been carrying on since the start of the Iraq war. What you do is, once or twice a week, cut out the "Names of the Dead" from the New York Times (if you don't live in NYC, you can print it out here: ) and tape it up somewhere where people will see it. Subway cars and stations are my favorite place because lots of people will see it. Why the "Names of the Dead?" It's a tally of US service men and women who have died, and it gives some personal details about the young people who have died. My hope is that this will catch the eye of the average person and make them stop and think for a minute. It's especially poignant in NYC, since the number of the dead US service people is fast approaching the number of people who died on 9/11.
Pass it on.

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