Political Illusion?
Well, the Democrats have done it, pulled off a coup. It’s what all the liberals have been waiting for since ‘94. And Rumsfeld fell on his sword. Feels poetic.
But I guess I’ve been reading too much William Stringfellow, Jacques Ellul, and James Allison, to be convinced that there’s going to be a visible change just because the party in power changed. I still don’t think anyone there in Washington actually has anything other than their own political career in mind when they make decisions. Rumsfeld’s resignation feels like scapegoating-- someone had to take the fall and take the heat off of Bush.
Let’s hope that this political victory doesn’t cost the liberals their vigilance. Bush and Rumsfeld are not the problem, it’s so much bigger than that (although they are bighead mean dodos for sure). We (the good guys) haven’t won yet. We have to keep up the momentum that was generated through hating Bush and Rumsfeld, and try to keep these new powerful people honest. We have to keep reminding them about schoolkids and prisoners and immigrants, and people jam-packed into crappy public housing, And the earth—polar bears who will be extinct in 20 years because of our oil habit.
I’m too young to be this cynical, I know. Democrats all over the country are celebrating and I’m whining. I guess I never got over Bill Clinton signing the welfare reform bill….
I don't think you're cynical. I think you're honest. And I appreciate it. Thanks.
If you want to think of yourself as cynical, at least it is productive.
Actually I think what you have posted some thoughtful points on what many of us see and think and feel about the current politics of the day.
you're right, you're right, you're right. though i must confess - a little shamefully - that i felt a smatter of unrestrained glee seeing a pic of w. and vice-president-grump forced to do brunch with pelosi the day after the election...however, since that time, i've been yanking merton, vanier, stringfellow, and others off my book cases, dusting them off. something pulled me that way recently - not sure what - but it's encouraging to know you folks are all kicking this stuff around down there. but you're right, d.c.'s a far cry from radical change anytime soon...
AGree with you. And praying that the liberals are more moderate than the conservatives have been. :)
Happy Delurking Week! @ RevGals
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